The Bird Brief

S2 E3: The Oldest Known Birds, Migration Myths, Neonicotinoids, and a Murder Mystery

Stephanie Jenkins Aslett

 Welcome back to The Bird Brief, this is Stephanie Jenkins Aslett, avian ecologist giving you the rundown on the most recent happenings in birds, both in popular news and published research throughout the world. This episode falls in that spooky time of year, so in that vein - we are going to unearth the oldest known birds, talk about migration myths, even say the word neonicotinoid, and end with a murder mystery at 10,000 feet. Let's get started.

Stories:  AND AND 

Bird Sound:

Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola); Recorded by Gerrit Vyn/Macaulay Library; Jul 2007; ML138238.

Peregrine Falcon (Tundra) (Falco peregrinus calidus/tundrius); Recorded by Michael Andersen/Macaulay Library; Jun 2007; ML136378.

Alain Verneau, XC938588. Accessible at

Mallard. Martin Billard, XC881155. Accessible at

Common Blackbird. Elias A. Ryberg, XC917122. Accessible at

Music: The Weeknd from wish by Lundstroem is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License. 

This is Stephanie Jenkins Aslett, thanks for listening. If a particular story piqued your interest, be sure to check out the show notes for more details. If you have a story that you would like to spread the awareness of, I would love to highlight it in my podcast. Just let me know in the comments or send a note to Please tune in next time for The Bird Brief - your rundown, or should I say featherdown, of the birds we love.