The Bird Brief

S2 E11: Owl Paparazzi and Birds Emitting Bioluminescence

Stephanie Jenkins Aslett

Today we are going to learn about Birds of Paradise species that emit bioluminescence, the owl papparazzi creating a frenzy around owls during the recent owl irruption near the Great Lakes, and why you should be protecting your hearing right now. Let’s get started!


Links to Ear Protection:

Mack’s Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs, 7 Pair + Case – (NRR 33 dB Highest NRR). 

3M PELTOR Ear Muffs, X1, (NRR 22) (most comfortable muff (in my opinion), even comfortable and lightweight enough that your kid may like them)

3M PELTOR X3 Earmuffs, (NRR 25-28) 

*Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is the number of decibels that the ear pro can reduce ambient noise levels – NRR 33 is the maximum. I’ve found that NRR 33 is pretty bulky/heavy in muffs so I opt for NRR 25 or NRR 22, but I’d definitely lean towards more protective if you’re going to be in crazy loud venues. 

Bird Sound:

Magnificent Riflebird. Oscar Campbell, XC941791. Accessible at

Snowy Owl. Tero Linjama, XC343145. Accessible at

Boreal Owl. David Tonnessen, XC407879. Accessible at 

Great Grey Owl. Logan McLeod, XC610512. Accessible at 

Music: The Weeknd from wish by Lundstroem is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License. 

This is Stephanie Jenkins Aslett, thanks for listening. If a particular story piqued your interest, be sure to check out the show notes for more details. If you have a story that you would like to spread the awareness of, I would love to highlight it in my podcast. Just let me know in the comments or send a note to Please tune in next time for The Bird Brief - your rundown, or should I say featherdown, of the birds we love.