The Bird Brief
A global rundown of newly published avian research and newsworthy bird stories in just 5 minutes.
The Bird Brief
S2 E11: Owl Paparazzi and Birds Emitting Bioluminescence
Today we are going to learn about Birds of Paradise species that emit bioluminescence, the owl papparazzi creating a frenzy around owls during the recent owl irruption near the Great Lakes, and why you should be protecting your hearing right now. Let’s get started!
Links to Ear Protection:
Mack’s Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs, 7 Pair + Case – (NRR 33 dB Highest NRR). https://amzn.to/3Xn2xrN
3M PELTOR Ear Muffs, X1, (NRR 22) https://amzn.to/41aMcbU (most comfortable muff (in my opinion), even comfortable and lightweight enough that your kid may like them)
3M PELTOR X3 Earmuffs, (NRR 25-28) https://amzn.to/40XXVZN
*Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is the number of decibels that the ear pro can reduce ambient noise levels – NRR 33 is the maximum. I’ve found that NRR 33 is pretty bulky/heavy in muffs so I opt for NRR 25 or NRR 22, but I’d definitely lean towards more protective if you’re going to be in crazy loud venues.
Bird Sound:
Magnificent Riflebird. Oscar Campbell, XC941791. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/941791.
Snowy Owl. Tero Linjama, XC343145. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/343145.
Boreal Owl. David Tonnessen, XC407879. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/407879
Great Grey Owl. Logan McLeod, XC610512. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/610512
Music: The Weeknd from wish by Lundstroem is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License. https://freemusicarchive.org/music/lundstroem/songs-i-regard-terrible/the-weeknd-from-wish/
This is Stephanie Jenkins Aslett, thanks for listening. If a particular story piqued your interest, be sure to check out the show notes for more details. If you have a story that you would like to spread the awareness of, I would love to highlight it in my podcast. Just let me know in the comments or send a note to thebirdbrief@gmail.com. Please tune in next time for The Bird Brief - your rundown, or should I say featherdown, of the birds we love.